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Times They Are A Changing!

He who Hesitates is Lost.

You know the old expression "He who hesitates
is Lost"

I never really understood that expression. It seems
to me that most of us would do well to hesitate just
a wee bit before we go spiraling off into cyberspace.

You never know when you may encounter a cyber
pothole and it might be best to avoid them if possible
so you don't break a leg.

Sometimes a little hesitation is just what the doctored

Net Preneurs have been making money on the net,
(some of them) hand over fist, since the roaring

Mlm's, software to sell Mlms. business opps, more
business ops, pop ups, pop unders, pop overs,
sliders and turn overs. They can make your head
spin and plant false dreams of fame and fortune in
your mind.

But that was the 1990's when people had a lot of
spare change in their pocket to experiment and
part with without so much as an ouch or a howdy


Wars, terrorists, politicians and slumping economies
everywhere have taken some of the wind out of
everyone's sails and today people want a lot more
value for their buck.

They always have, but this was simply obscured by
the excesses of the 1990's

If you want to come play in cyberspace, jump in the
water's fine, but plan to play the game with a different
set of rules.


Welcome to 2003 where the world can be your oyster
provided you know what pearls people want.

Let's take a look...

Sales on the net have slowed down. There is not a lot
of excess money around. That's a fact.

What do people need to do when money is tighter?

They need to get exceptional value for their dollar or
they need to barter - trade their goods, services, and
plain old know how for someone else's ability,
knowledge and reach.

Some of us lost site of this during the past decade.

If you have a business you are already engaged in
or one you are contemplating starting, take out a
pencil and paper and write down these things...

What do you know well that you could use to
contribute to a potential business endeavor?

What help, knowledge or technical ability do you

Armed with that list, start talking, writing, phoning
anyone and everyone who, you believe, can
assist you in putting your business plan into action.

Tell them simply, clearly and straight forwardly as
you can what you have to offer and what you need
from them.

You may be surprised how many people will take
a serious look at your ideas. Some of the best ideas
on the net come from people who haven't a clue
how to  accomplish them. This doesn't mean the
idea isn't great. It just means you need help in
seeing it through.

The latest buzzword on the net is Joint ventures. What
we described above is a very simple form of that

In a nutshell a joint venture is where you barter your
ideas, ability and expertise with someone else who
has skills you don't possess to create a viable,
profitable idea, service, product so that both parties
in the venture WIN!


This is what Web Pro Times is all about. Finding
you the help you need to start a business, carry
out an idea and stick to it until it becomes the
success you want.

Here is a start...

We recently released a new ebook. It's not your
usual: "how to" book. It's more of a way to think
about writing ads. It's a thought provoking
compilation of ads and ideas we have used and
are using in two very successful ad campaigns.

This is a no frills ebook that shows you how to write
ad campaigns that won't have your readers yawning.

The way we did this is not to tell you how to write
ads but how to think about writing them by showing
you what we did and giving you the reasons behind
our decisions.

You can follow the exploits of two delightful fictional
characters, Joe and Mable, as they travel around the
world wide web.

You can also catch up with J and P, two real life
characters who put a new twist on marketing.
(That's us by the way in case you haven't guessed :-)

And best part is it helps you start thinking about how
to sell your product or service in a more unique way
than you may be doing it now.

This is a Gem for your library


Equally importantly, you can become an affiliate and
earn 50% commission of the sales. This is an easy
book to sell.

Even running an affiliate program is a type of joint
venture. You barter your product with those who sell
it for you and you pay them a commission or fee
for selling it for you.

The Times really are changing. If you want to become
successful on the net, change your view of how to do
business in a rapidly changing environment. This
applies equally if you already have a profitable
business. You need to stay ahead of the game daily
and that may mean rethinking your strategy

The same old, same old just doesn't work very well
anymore. So when someone tells you:

"Here is how I did it. Just follow this step by step
guide and you too can make it", I would hesitate
and ask:

--> When was this done?
--> Is it current?
--> Will it work in today's business environment?

Some of the rules of business work all the time, but
not if you approach them in a routine and mindless
way. When the Times change, best change with them.

That's what we like to do at The WebPro Times.

Come along with us for the ride.

This article was written by
Phil Basten & Jane Mark of JPE Advertising
Co-Editors of: WebPro Times Ezine
Authors of: Joe? Yes, Mable? Are We Rich Yet?

[-------END ARTICLE -------]

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