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The French are so very TRES.

Bonjour Everyone.

This week Phil and I were pleasantly surprised by
an absolutely sensational testimonial that popped
into our email box. We don't want to toot our own
horn here, but we will for purposes that shall become
clear as we go on.

The email we received read as follows:

Hello Jane,

Thank you very much for your valuable assistance
with my Solo Ad. I did receive a lot of results with it!
More results than when I use my membership with
DSA to send out my messages. Also, I believe Phil
and you are truly doing a great and fantastic job in
helping Newbies and Experienced Net-Preneurs
to get their products and programs exposed. Again,
thank you for your time and dedication.

Merci Beaucoup and Aurevoir.

It was the "Merci Beaucoup and Aurevoir" that got to me.

I loved it.

It was followed by a second letter


By this time I was gushing.

Ah , what a refreshing change it was to have someone
write to me in something other than net language and,
in French, for goodness sake!

I was in heaven.

My emails usually look like this.

Hi J.


B short


Hi Jane

Thanks for your help. Job well done. Will write soon.

Bob Short

Well, now I suppose this is a testimonial of a sort but it
lacks a certain "Savoir Faire"

Or-How about this for an email

Hi J


Paula-in a hurry


Urgent-I just returned from Washington. The conference
was great. All work-no play but terrific.

Paula-in -less- of a hurry

Ah, how we net-preneurs have reduced language to it
most clipped, hurried, instant communication highway.
Sometimes I think it is the highway to hell.

So, when I get a letter filled with Bonjours and Aurevoirs,
I melt into butter and gush.


One of the greatest assets any business person can
have is the skill of being able to communicate effectively.
This is so important on the net. You usually cannot grab
someone by the hand and say howdy. You may never
get to meet many of your business associates in person.
It is through your writing that they get to know and trust you.

A carefully crafted, well thought out, well formatted, spell
checked introductory letter to an associate on the net
can be just the ticket you need to get your foot in the
front door.

Sending a letter that is tossed off while you have one
foot out the door may leave you standing outside the
door looking in.


There are lots of good first impressions that you need
to make to your clients on the net. Certainly you need
a great website - Your website says a lot about you.
You need great ad campaigns and well thought out ad
copy. We all take the time needed to make sure we
have all our ducks in a row when it comes to websites
and ads.

But what about those letters that fly about on the internet.
They need care and thought as well.

Here we go..

1) Write your letter in a text editor before you email it
out. Format it at no more than 60 characters per line
and for goodness sake spell check it.

2) K.I.S.S. (no, not keep it simple stupid) Keep it
short and simple and to the point. Everyone's busy
so just get the essence of your idea across in an
introductory letter. You will soon know, by the
response you get, if someone wants more info.
Whatever you do, please do not go into a long
historical discussion about how your grandmother
is ill and you are working on the net to help support
her and four children and etc. While all of that may
be of concern and interest to you, it will probably
not knock the socks off the person you are writing to.

3) Make sure you include your return email address
and website address right under your signature so
the reader can get back to you quickly and also
check you out at your website if they have a mind to.

4) Keep a professional distance, at least in your first
communications with someone on the net. Not
everyone loves or wants to be your best buddy on
the first encounter. Keep your letters warm and
cheery but appropriately business like. After you
get to know someone , you can change the parameters
of your letters, but wait until you have made your reader
feel comfortable with you first.

5) Sign your full name. You can drop the formality later,
but when you first make someone's acquaintance,
they generally like to know your full name. Sign your
letters that way at least initially.

The art of writing is fast becoming archaic and out
of fashion, I'm for bring it back and making it "a la mode".

Adieu and Aurevoir until next time....

This article was written by
Phil Basten & Jane Mark of JPE Advertising
Co-Editors of: WebPro Times Ezine
Authors of: Joe? Yes, Mable? Are We Rich Yet?

[-------END ARTICLE -------]

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