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Published by JPE Advertising

Volume 1 - Issue 126 - Monday, Jan 26, 2004

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Special Guest Article

Benefits vs. Features, Part 2 – “So what!” Vs. “Oh, really!”
By Wayne Knazek, The Net Trainer (a.k.a. TNT)

Let’s take a look at YOUR program! Make a list of important “features”. I wonder what will happen when you tell a prospect about a feature that YOU feel is important. Hmmmmmmm

Proven facts (features) about our company and products . . .

I want to tell you about our company, products and program.
  1. Fastest growing off line company of its kind in the world.
  2. Absolute best (hi tech / nutritional / service) products available.
  3. Products everyone needs and should be using.
  4. Competitively priced.
  5. Wide variety of products. We have something for everyone!
  6. Only one (or a few) product(s)! We’re focussed!
  7. The best, most lucrative compensation plan in the industry!
  8. Powerful leadership. The best in the industry.
  9. Outstanding training!
  10. Totally Net driven so you can build on the Internet!

OK, now lets let our prospects know what WE think they should know.

FEATURE #1. . .

Bob, we’re the fastest growing off line company of its kind in the world.

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #1 . . .

Bob, if you’re going to succeed, you need to be with a company that has a good image. One that’s easy to promote. One with credibility. So you can begin to make a profit fast. Do you agree with that?

Bob: Sure.

TNT: Did you know there was a study recently by one of the largest marketing evaluation companies in the world? We were rated the fastest growing off line company in the world?

Bob: Oh, really?

TNT: Is that something that you personally feel is important about a program you would choose to work

Bob: Yes, it is.

FEATURE #2 . . .

Bob, we have the absolute best (hi tech / nutritional / service) products available.

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #2 . . .

If you’re like me, the quality of the products is an important factor. If we’re going to be successful, our products must be the absolute best that money can buy. Bob our company just announced their annual statistics. I was really excited when I read the report. We had a 92% customer retention rate last year.

Bob: Oh, really!

TNT: Can you see how that could help you if you were working with me in this program?

Bob: I sure can.

FEATURE #3 . . .

Bob, we have the products everyone needs and should be using.

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me? How do you know I need your products?

BENEFIT #3 . . .

TNT: Bob, this is something I found out just before I made the decision to join my program. It was something that was important to me, personally.

At first I didn’t know if I even needed products like we have. But then I found out that our products appealed to a large majority of the people. When I realized that so many people, people just like you and me needed our products, and wanted our products, I knew I found a winner.

Bob: Oh, really! I can understand that.

FEATURE #4 . . .

Bob, our products are competitively priced.

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #4 . . .

Ya know what else I found out about our products, Bob? I found out that even though they are rated so high, they’re still priced so the average person can use them.

Bob: Oh, really! How much are they?

TNT: Well, I’ll go over that in just a bit. You see, as a member, your prices will be lower than your customers. That makes sense, right?

Bob: Sure!

FEATURE #5 . . .

Bob, we carry a wide variety of products. We have something for everyone!

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #5 . . .

Here’s something I really got excited about! We have a complete product line. So every time I talk to a new customer, I know that I’ll have something special to meet their needs.

Bob: Oh, really?

FEATURE #6 . . .

Bob, we carry only one (only a few) product(s)! We’re focussed!

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #6 . . .

Here’s something I really got excited about! A lot of companies have way too many products. That makes it difficult for new marketers to learn the business. And many of those products don’t sell much any way. When we started out, we decided to offer only the best products available. We decided to study the market, and offer only what we knew would be very easy to market. So that our members could get into profit quickly.

Bob: Oh, really!

FEATURE #7 . . .

TNT: Bob, we have the best, most lucrative compensation plan in the industry!

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #7 . . .

TNT: Ya know, nearly all compensation plans are the same. Or at least very similar. And in most cases, the comp plan is designed to make the most money for the company and the top producers. But our plan is different. We decided that if our plan was easy to work, and if we could get money into the hands of our newest marketers, then they would be happy, and stay with us!

Bob: Oh, really!

TNT: Is that important to you, too?

Bob: Yes, it is!

TNT: Bob, are you starting to see why we’re growing so fast?

Bob: Yes, I am.

FEATURE #8 . . .

TNT: We have very powerful leadership. The best in the industry.

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #8 . . .

TNT: Because of our products, and the powerful compensation plan, we’ve attracted many industry leaders. And that’s a great plus to marketers like you and me. Because we have the leadership we all need. Seasoned professionals who are there to help us whenever we need help!

Bob: Oh really!

TNT: Bob, is this starting to sound like the kind of company you’ve been looking for?

Bob: Actually, yes it is!

FEATURE #9 . . .

TNT: We have outstanding training!

Bob: So what? Who says so? Who are YOU?!? What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #9 . . .

TNT: Well, it actually gets better. Because we have such powerful leadership, leaders who understand the importance of helping their organization become successful, we have the absolute best marketing training available to all of our members. Training that can help you get into profit very fast!

Bob: Oh, really!

TNT: Yep. I thought that might be important to you. Is it?

Bob: Yes it is!

FEATURE #10 . . .

TNT: We’re totally Net driven so you can build on the Internet!

Bob: So what? I don’t know how to market in the Net! What’s in it for me?

BENEFIT #10 . . .

TNT: Bob, one last point for you to consider. There are so many companies out there on the Net today. Most of them are just Internet facades. No real company!

But we’re a real brick and mortar company! With a 3 year success record. But because our company principals understand the importance of building a presence on the Internet, they are now focusing on the Net. They now provide everything you need to build a successful business on, or off the Net.

Bob: Oh, really?

TNT: Yes! Can you see the advantage of joining a company that’s well-rooted business wise, yet offers the advantage of being able to build on the Net, too?

Bob: Sure I can!

TNT: And can you see the advantage of joining us now, being one of the first to help expand our customer and member base! To join now when we’re just starting to hit the Internet!

Bob: Yes I can.

TNT: I have only one more question. I can see that you’re getting excited about all of this. Right?

Bob: Well, I am kinda.

TNT: Great. My question is, can you see how easy it will be to get others excited about this, too?

Bob: Well, yes, I think I can.

TNT: Great! Bob, before you actually get started, I’d like to show you how I’ll be helping you. I know you and I will make a great team, because we seem to believe in the same things.

Once I show you how I can help you get members signed up under you, is there anything that’s stopping you from getting started right away?

Um, no! I’m ready to go!

Need I say more!

Wayne Knazek, The Net Trainer has literally helped
1000’s of people become more profitable with their
businesses. Relationship Internet Marketing is the
KEY to long term, successful marketing on the Internet.

Here’s a brief word from TNT himself . . .

“Would you be personally offended if I could help you
become more profitable with your business?”

“Making relationships is so critical! Why not let me teach
you how to do this? Then . . . watch your profits skyrocket!”

For more information about my FREE training sessions
please contact me at tnt@thenettrainer.net



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