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Published by JPE Advertising

Volume 1 - Issue 127 - Monday, Feb 7, 2004

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Contest of the Day

Contest Winners Jan 25 - issue 126

Last weeks contest question.

What is meant by the term "Back End Marketing?"

Here are some great answers people sent in

The winner was...

Contest Winner: Mike Miller

Winning Answer

What is Back-End Marketing

Back-End Marketing is what makes online and offline income work!

There is an old sales saying that basically says, you make may make no money on the
first sale, it's the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th sale that is where the real money is.

Here is A Case History That Scared The Hell Out Of Microsoft and Made Bill Gates So Upset, he told his staff to develop new product code today or he would do it at home overnight, that night.

In the early days of the internet, Microsoft was not the leader in internet browsers, Netscape was. When Bill Gates realized this, he was furious, how could an upstart company (at that time) like Netscape be leading in the Internet browser market? After All, Microsoft Lead Every Other Computer Software Category And Bill Gates Does Not Like To Lose.

Here is How:

It's a classic case of Back End Marketing.

Netscape gave away for FREE, It's basic browser. It had an unreal amount of traffic and downloads from it's site.

Wall Street Could Not Figure Out How They Would Make Money. The CEO Was on many news programs and none of the moderators could figure out how you could build a multi million dollar company giving away your product.

All of the marketers and salespeople watching the programs knew how they did it, They sold the back end. Everyone that downloaded the basic browser "had" to have the upgrade and paid for it.
There is not a professional marketer or salesperson alive today that would not have several products to sell on a call or visit (even a website visit). It's like playing chess, the great players think 5 to 7 moves ahead.


Here's another answer that deserves a mention

What is meant by the term "Back-End Marketing." By Lois Bailey

Back-End Marketing is or should be - IN the Foundation of your Business! Obviously, by the name - itself, you would begin building 'Interest' in What you base your business on -by building a Level Trust with your readers, offering them 'Something of Value' - just because they Are Interested enough to hear - what you share with them by being a Valued Subscriber of mail list - newsletter - forum etc! Back-End Marketing then can happen Successfully... because -They place a Value on 'You and What You do - in your business - that Can be applied to their efforts in the market.

A perfect example of this: About 6 months ago - I read an ad that Intrigued me. I did request more information and I don't even remember WHAT the ad said BUT - I still receive solid 'Interesting Marketing' information and Encouragement from this person - about every 3 or 4 weeks - Never a Sales Pitch - just good thinking material - that Inspires me and Takes me ' out of the box ' - and helps me progress! I - just this morning - received another - article from him - titled:

He simply - Signs his name - email and phone number... What is his Business? - at this point - I have No Idea... Am I curious? - You bet I am!  Will I contact him? That's a Big Possibility!
Why is he doing this? Because he is Letting me- Decide ! What I want to know and When!
Terrific plan for Back - End Marketing.

Lois Bailey


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